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How to improve and track fitness - Weight training

1) Increasing the number of sets

2) Increase the number of reps in each set

3) Increase the weight for same same number of reps and sets

4) Increase the range of motion

5) Increase the difficulty of the exercise

6) Increase the workout density

7) Increase the frequency of workouts (you can split the work across 4 days instead of 3 days)

Sci-Tone How to track progress get fitter

1) Increasing the number of sets. One week you may do 3 sets of 10, but the next week you may do 4 sets of 10. This increasing the total volume from 30 reps to 40 reps on a given exercise.

2) Increasing the number of reps. If you do 5 sets of 7-8 reps you may increase to doing 5 sets of 10 -12 reps. This again increases the total volume.

3) Increase the weight for the same number of reps and sets. If you do 5 sets of 5 with 75% of your max, try doing 5 sets of 5 with 77.5%-80% of your max.

4) Increase the range of motion, if you're not already squatting very deep, try squatting deeper. Stand on a weight plate or short block so you are an inch or two higher and then try deadlifting. This will increase the range of motion.

5) Increase the difficulty of the exercise, if you pause 3 seconds at the bottom of a squat before standing the exercise will be harder as there is more time under tension for the same weight reps and sets. You can also lower the weight slowly for 6-8 seconds without a pause at the bottom.

6) Increase the workout density. This is done by doing the same amount of work in less time or more work in the same time. This can be done by shortening rests between sets.

7) Increase the frequency of workouts. This doesn't mean you need to double what you are doing. You can do half your usual workout split over two days. 6 sets of 6 on one day becomes 3 sets of 6 on two days.

Sci-Tone Get fitter Track Progress


If you've been training for a while, progress can seem slow. Just remember you consider each of these aspects as you may be able to improve one rather than being stuck always trying to increase the weight or reps as people often do.

Consider planning a program where the sets increase, then the training density, then the reps increase, then the range of motion increases, then the difficulty of the exercise and then the weight increases, then the frequency increases. This should give you lots of areas to improve on before you tackle heavier weights.

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