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Sci-Tone : Nutrition

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Sci-Tone SciTone Sci-Tone SciTone Health Nutrition and Fitness BlogGet TOned get fit Sci-TOne Sci-Tone Sci-Tone Sci-Tone 


Fats oils: Olive oil, sunflower

Protein: chicken, lentils etc.

Dairy or alternative

Veg: Kale, Mushrooms etc.

Fruits: Apples, mangos etc.

Starchy Foods: Pasta, Rice, Potatoes, Bread


People should consume at least 5, 80gram portions of a variety of fruits and vegetables per day. 

That's 400grams, minimum!


Potatoes and other root veg don't count!

Think dark leafy greens like broccoli and spinach.

Eat red peppers, carrots, mushrooms, oranges, bananas etc.

Tip: Go for lot's of different colours.


Check out the NHS eat well guide:

Use these statements to guide a healthy diet:



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