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 Men And Women Should Train The Same! 

Sci-Tone : Women's Fitness

Many women are put off the idea of lifting weights with the fear of being big, bulky and manly.


First of all, it's not really possible without anabolic steroids. This is because women have naturally lower testosterone levels and naturally higher estrogen levels than men.


This makes the muscle building process slower and the muscle potential smaller.

It also makes it harder to lose fat and women are actually healthier with slightly more fat than men.


"I just want to tone, not get big and bulky."

Toning is essentially building muscle and getting leaner.


Muscle is a metabolic tissue. 

This means it will increase your metabolism if you increase the amount of muscle.

This makes it easier to loose excess fat!


Resistance training is important to strengthen bones reducing the risk of osteoporosis when you're older.


Don't be afraid to put a barbell on your back and squat with more than just your bodyweight.

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