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Sci-Tone : Workout Plans

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A solid base for a strength or hypertrophy program will typically involve Squats, Bench Press, Deadlift and Shoulder Press or a derivative of these such as Front Squat, dumbell chest press, romanian deadlift, sumbell shoulder press.

Power programs will typically involve Snatches, Cleans, Counter Movement Jumps or a derivative of these such as a Snatch Pull, Clean pull, box jump.

Other exercises often seen as accessories such as leg extensions, but some could argue some exercises deserve the same status as above such as pulls ups.

Typically the compound movements form the base and isolation exercises act as accessories e.g. pull ups for compound and bicep curls for isolation.


A rep is one complete motion of the exercise. E.g. squatting down and standing back up is one rep.

A set is a group of reps. E.g. Squatting down and standing back up 10 times without stopping is a set of 10 reps.

1RM /1 Rep Max / 1 Repetition Maximum is the most weight you can do for 1 rep.

Intensity typically means a percentage of your 1RM. E.g. if you can squat 100kg then 80kg would be 80%.


Beginners are able to make progress very quickly as a lot of the progress comes from an improved 'motor path' (basically the body learns how to do something more efficiently like lifting a weight more smoothly). Because of this beginners start with a linear program where more sets, reps or weight is added each week. Weight should be quite light (60%-70%). Choose a weight you can lift 12 times. Lifting heavy weights at this stage will encourage bad technique resulting in injury or poor motor paths. A typical program is 3 sets off 10 reps per exercise. 


Intermediate lifters don't progress as quickly as beginners as they have already learnt the motor paths pretty well. These lifters may experiment with heavier weight such as the 5 by 5 program. For example 5 sets of 5 (80%). Being new to lifting heavier weights, lifters should find themselves able to progress every week or two, however this will likely be short lived. Eventually lifters will have to periodise their programs. Periodising is changing the training variables by set times such as 2 months of hypertrophy work followed by 2 months of strength work by changing the volume and intensity variables. Check out the periodised program below by clicking the 'X'. This will download a Xcel Spreadsheet which guides the reps sets and intensities. Just fill in you 1rm for an exercise at the top. The example has been filled in with squats, but this can be done with any compound movement. In this program, thee weeks are banded different colour to represent their difficulty, the weeks get harder and harder before de-loading to build back up again. The Hypertrophy phase last only 1 month however this could be repeated with a slight weight increase.









Advanced lifters will need to continue periodising their program building up to peaks before deloading and rebuilding again. A famous program is the Russian Squat. In this program the second training day of each week is seen as the working day and the other one or two training day(s) are the recovery day(s).

Recovery days are always 6 sets of 2 reps at 80%.

Working days change each week: week one: 6X3 ... week two: 6X4 ... week three: 6X5 ... week four: 6X6 (all at 80%) ... week five: 5X5 (85%) ... week six: 4X4 (90%) ... week seven:  3X3 (95%) ... week eight:  2X2 (100%) ...  week 9: Re-test 1 rep max. 


Circuit Conditioning :This is more for the general fitness enthusiast. Typically done with 30 seconds working 10 seconds resting going from one exercise to another such as press ups ... pull ups ... sit ups ... shoulder press ... jumping lunges ... etc completing 3 or more sets/circuits. It's quick and hard as you go make it.


Performance program this program gives a general idea of sports training programs where there is a variety of intensities and volumes to create a well rounded athlete who can use speed, strength and endurance. 

Example : Legs focus

Warm up : Rowing machine 5-10 minutes.

(1) Counter movement jump = Low intensity/weight, High volume : 10X3 bodyweight --- Speed

(2) Squats= Medium intensity/weight, medium volume : 5X3-5 80% --- Strength

(3) Good mornings= Low intensity/weight, high volume : 4X9-12 60-70% --- Muscle Hypertrophy




Sci-Tone Gym Workout
Sci-Tone Gym Program
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