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How Much Protein?


This depends on various factors such as your activity, goals and sex.


How much to build muscle?

Short Answer : 1.5 grams to 1.7 grams per kilogram of bodyweight for strength athletes.



More protein may be needed in a caloric deficit for those looking to build or maintain muscle whilst cutting fat at the same time. This equates to 1.8 grams to 2.2 grams of protein per kilogram of body weight.


Bare in mind, those with very high levels of excess fat won't need as much as this as their bodyweight is higher than it should be.


This is how many protein supplement companies can claim people need 2.2 g per kg of bodyweight.


They may have the science to back them up, however, the science may be biased.


For example the participants are on a caloric deficit in the study.


Perhaps the participants who consume more protein end up consuming more calories as a result.


These companies are selling a product. 

The more you need the product and use the product, the more they sell and the more money they make. 



Sci-Tone : Protein

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