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Are vaccinations safe?

Short answer : YES.


Vaccinations save lives, by allowing our immune system to build up immunity to certain diseases stopping those diseases catching hold and potentially killing us.


What about autism?

Short answer: It's a MYTH.


There is no scientific peer reviewed published evidence of vaccinations causing autism.

Never has any evidence been found to show either correlation or causation of autism due to vaccinations. 


But what about mercury?

Short answer: Complicated but still safe.


Searching online you'll find articles claiming vaccinations contain mercury. Articles claiming the amount of mercury is way over the safety regulations for mercury in drinking water. What these articles fail to mention is the type of mercury. There a few reason why they may fail to mention this important fact.

1) They have a political bias and so intentionally miss out the information to mislead the reader.

2) It sells to be scary and exciting with conspiracy theories and the truth isn't that shocking.

3) They simply don't know because they are not experts and haven't listened to what the experts say.

The truth...

Some vaccinations do contain mercury however they contain ethyl mercury as opposed to methyl mercury. Methyl mercury is what people mean when talking about the safety of water.


Methyl mercury has the ability to accumulate in the body. This means drinking mercury contaminated water each day would allow the mercury levels to increase each day to highly toxic levels. 


Ethyl mercury cannot accumulate. Your body can flush it out, therefore it doesn't build up and cause danger.


Many vaccinations no longer contain mercury at all. This is as a precaution in case we later find out it is dangerous. The evidence so far however, shows mercury containing vaccinations to be safe... even safe for infants.


Do I really need to have a vaccination? If everybody else does why do I need one? More and more people are avoiding vaccinations over various myths and misunderstandings. This means more and more people can get infected and infect you. More importantly, there are people with weak immune system who cannot get vaccinations. 


For example: Recovery cancer patients. Their immune system is too weak for a vaccination and if you don't get a vaccination you could end up infecting them which could kill them.

Sci-Tone : Vaccinations

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