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Is Veganism Healthy?

People of all ages including pregnant, breastfeeding and athletes can live an active healthy lifestyle while being vegan according to the American Dietetics Association.


The World Health Organisation and NHS do not oppose veganism as a healthy lifestyle choice either.


This doesn't mean vegan diets are healthier. People can be healthy and unhealthy on a vegan diet just like people can be healthy and unhealthy on an omnivorous or vegetarian diet.


Some people will experience health benefits by going vegan simply due to going from a diet low in fruits and vegetables to a diet high in fruits and vegetables.


Vegans should follow the nutrition guidelines:

Startchy foods forming the base,

At least 400g of a variety of fruits and vegetables.

Plenty of foods high in protein such as beans, mock meats, nuts and seeds. Protein powders can also be used such as soy.

Plenty of dairy alternatives such as soy milk or almond milk.

Some oils and fats such as olive oil and

Very limited sugary sweets like chocolate and soft drinks. 


Vegans should also take a B12 supplement which can easily be taken in a vegan multivitamin.


It may be beneficial for vegans to consume ground/milled flax/lin seed or flax seed oil for omega 3 fatty acids as vegans don't consume fish however a DHA supplement may need to be considered.


Vegan athletes may wish to consume creatine as vegans don't consume meat.


Vegan athletes can compete at the same standard as non vegan athletes, there have even been world record breaking vegan athletes.

Sci-Tone : Vegan

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