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How Can I Recover Faster?

Short Answer: Move, Eat, Sleep, Drink


Foam rolling slowly moves the muscle fibres helping break up scare tissue and increases blood flow. If you roll onto a painful area it may be a 'knott'/adhesion.


Hold for 30 seconds on on these areas.


8 Rolls before rotating to a different part of the muscle or a different muscle.


Sports Massage does the same but someone else does all the work and they should be able to do a better job of it.


Temperature change such as saunas and ice baths increases blood flow which carry nutrients to muscles and carries away toxins.


Light Exercise also increases blood flow.


Sleep allows the body to rest, recover and grow.


Eat right ensure you are eating properly, follow the guidelines to check you're getting enough protein etc.


Drink plenty of water being hydrated reduces the thickness of the blood making it easier for blood to flow around the body.


Don't overtrain. Make sure you're giving your body a break with enough time to recover.

Sci-Tone : Recover Faster

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