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Why you should NOT use Pre-Workout

Pre-workouts are everywhere these days and everyone seems to be using them, or should I say abusing them?

Sci-Tone PreWorkout

Caffeine: Use, don't abuse

The main ingredient in pre-workouts is caffeine. That's the main kick you feel, that's the energy boost you get. The problem is, you will build up a tolerance to this and then what? This is why I say abusing them. It can beneficial to consume caffeine in a pre-workout before a competition or on days when you don't feel up to it etc. Trying to use caffeine for a boost multiple times per week is going to wear off. Any boost you feel after tolerance has built up will likely be a placebo or due to your dependance on caffeine.


Beta-Alanine, is commonly use in pre-workouts, however, it is often under dosed meaning it's not really doing much for you but you're still paying for it. Beta-Alanine should also be taken daily to saturate the muscle like Creatine. If you're only consuming Beta-Alanine in your pre-workout, you would need to consume pre-workout everyday. That'll definitely build your tolerance to caffeine pretty quick. Don't worry, you can buy it separately and take it when you like.

Citrulline Malate

Another common and commonly under dosed supplement. This doesn't need to be taken everyday. However you should consume around 6 grams, so if your pre-workout serving contains less than this you are once again paying without receiving. You can't simply double dose pre-workout due to the caffeine, having too much caffeine can be dangerous. Again you can buy it separately, although due to it's bitter taste you'll probably prefer to mix it with more than just water (juice or squash).

Sci-Tone Save Money Preworkout

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BBC, (2016). 'People Become Immune to Coffee Boost', experts believe. [Online]. [20/12/16]. Available from:

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